We value your privacy very much. So we have Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy was last updated on February 10, 2020.
What types of data do we collect?
To ensure the security of the entire site, the website and its web linking use SSL secure encryption certificate, and the server of this website is also installed and enabled the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
To use our Enquiry Form, Design Quotation, LiveChat and Commercial Clients Services Support Platform services on this website, you need to provide your contact information and necessary information such as your name, company name, domain name, email address, telephone number and message etc. If necessary to reply, we can contact you regarding your issue. After clicking the Send and/or Submit button, your information of Enquiry Form, Design Quotation and Commercial Clients Services Support Platform will be sent to our email and will be recorded in our secure database.
What is a HTTP Cookie
A Cookie is an alphanumeric identifier that is unique to your browser. When you visit our website, the Cookie will identify us to your browser so that we can customize your access.
HTTP Cookie
This website uses cookies and server logs to collect the necessary data and security data to adjust the security parameters and configuration of our servers to protect against DDoS denial-of-service attack from global and Internet servers, such as source servers, server robots, countries visited, IP addresses, access times, folders and directories that arrive, and web pages of interest and time spent on specific web pages and others website activity.
This website may not be reproduced or publicly displayed in any form or manner on any third party premises and/or website. Nothing on this website may be used for other commercial purposes, such as our design work, slogans, text, copyrighted photos, images, videos and music & sound files, and others content related to the domain name of this website: addisonwan.com.
IP address
An IP address is a digital tag that is provided to each electronic device connected to a computer network. Once you visit our website, our web server will collect your IP address for data interaction between the server and the computer.
Information Sales and Sharing
We never sell! Lending, sharing and leasing any personal information, such as an email address or any contact information, we will not use the information you provided for any others purpose.
What information is mandatory for disclosure by legal institutions
If required by a legal body and able to provide local accredited legal documents, we will be obliged to provide them with the required information. If it brings legal legitimacy, then we will abandon information about you and collect it, especially if the user violates and involves online security.
Link from this website to third-party websites
It is important to remember that once you leave our website and access third-party website links from our website, our privacy policy will no longer apply.
Consent from you
Therefore, when using our website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy without notice.
Privacy Policy modification
The Privacy Policy may change at any time. Changes will also be posted on the website, so be sure to check for any updates that are available on a regular basis.
Contact Us
For any additional information that you require, or if you have any further questions about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us at:
Addison Wan Hong Kong Web Design Company
P. O. Box 290, Ma On Shan Post Office, Hong Kong